Social Isolation Effects and How to Manage It
What are the Effects of Social Isolation? 1. Social isolation can significantly raise an individual’s risk of premature death from all causes. This rivals the risks of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity 2. Social isolation was associated with a few of fifty percent increased risk of dementia. 3. Poor social connections (indicated by social isolation or loneliness) was linked to a 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke 4. Loneliness was associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide 5. Loneliness among coronary failure patients was associated with almost 4 times increased risk of death, 68% increased risk of hospitalization, and 57% increased risk of emergency department visits How do you Manage Social Isolation? 1. Volunteer A volunteer is often an excellent way for us to offer back to our community, put our skills to use, share our gifts with others, and meet new people. If you’re curious about volunt...